Association for the Development of Rural Capacities

ADR activities are aimed to empower marginalized or disadvantaged individuals, groups, or communities and help them improve their living conditions.

Our association has no political or religious affiliations and currently works in the south of Lebanon.

ADR was officially registered on April 6th 1998 at the Lebanese Ministry of Interior under the number No.59 / AD

Our interventions encourage partnership and decentralized cooperation as well as solidarity spirit.

Key Documents

Our mission

ADR’s mission is to empower the marginalized and help them make a better living through economic and social development projects.

Our specific objectives are:

Give access to training, tools, information and financial services.
Give better access to labor market and help to set income generating projects.
Encourage partnership and decentralized cooperation.
Projects are designed and implemented according to the wishes and needs of the local population.

Our history

The activity of the Association started in the early 90’s where by some of the founders that came originally from the city of Tyre launched several initiatives in an informal way.

About that time south Lebanon was seriously suffering due to more than 20 years of conflicts mainly due to Israeli occupation. Thanks to donations of Lebanese individuals, emergency funds were allocated for people in need mainly addressing the fishermen community, one of the most marginalized groups in Lebanon.

By April 6th 1998 the association was officially registered at the Lebanese Ministry of Interior. Institutional funding from international and national sources was then available to the Association that increased the areas of intervention and set two formal programs: Micro credit and vocational training.

The continuous private and institutional support has allowed the Association to sustain its activities that are currently provided through four programs: Agriculture, micro credit, social services and vocational training.

President Letter

I come originally from Tyre, I followed my education in Beirut, but all my vacations were spent in Tyre. My house was and is still in the old quarter of the city.

Unfortunately, with time passing I observed and witnessed the deterioration of living conditions not only in Tyre but also in other areas of Lebanon.

ADR was created to address these issues and help the Lebanese people to overcome the consequences of war and conflicts.

Our Association wants to give its assistance to the greatest number of marginalized and disadvantaged people; those who lack in education or professional aptitude or those who do not have access to bank loans.

We specialize in economic development and not in humanitarian and relief in their strict sense. Our interventions allow people to become an active part of the economic life and to increase their opportunities and the opportunities of their children in the future.

For this purpose , ADR has aimed since its beginnings to consolidate its capacity on the technical and professional level, more importantly, the Association distinguishes itself by the lack of any political, familial, and confessional affiliation.

This has allowed us to attract the attention of international organizations such us the European Union and the United Nations and to develop four solid programs (agriculture, micro credit, social services and vocational training) tailored to the needs of the area.

ADR board and members are grateful to all individuals and institutions that have supported and continue to support us to achieve the improvement of social and living conditions in Lebanon.

Dr. Youssef El Khalil
