ADR recognizes that local populations are a community’s greatest asset. By facilitating their access to the labor market and developing specialized, marketable skills, a more economically viable community will be created for the benefit of present and future generations.
According to figures published by UNICEF, the deterioration of economic conditions in South Lebanon contributed to 30% of the population’s non-enrollment in an educational institution. A low rate of higher education, coupled with the absence of a strong productive sector, has resulted in a weak and narrow job market. To curb the rate of unemployment and stimulate income-generating activities, ADR launched the Vocational Training program in 1998 as an economic development strategy to supplement its Micro-Credit program.
The program objectives are summarized as follows:
- Enhancing young people’s capabilities and competencies and helping them develop their skills and professional competencies
- Raising the skills level of weak individual entrepreneurs or groups and building the capabilities of small businesses
- Helping school dropouts who cannot access any of the academic stages and higher education
- Granting state-certified certificates to beneficiaries who have completed the curriculum designated for each course, and certificates from the association and the donor from the institutions of various countries.
Our specific program projects

Our program projects

Project Title: Economic strengthening and social stability of vulnerable local and displaced communities in South Lebanon
• Donor: Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)
• Partners: Fundación Promoción Social (FPS) and AIDA
• Geographical region: Nabatieh Governerate, Zahrani and Sour Cazas
• Project period: 2023-2027
• Budget: € 1,960,500 (budget Managed by ADR), € 3,177,190.00 (Total project Budget)
• Beneficiaries: 500 women and 200 youth from Vocational training activities, 600 women will benefit from Microcredit program, 30 volunteers in DRR of Tyr Union of Municipalities, 2015 women and 2250 pupils and students will benefit from awareness sessions in schools and Municipalities about disaster management and family hygiene.

Project objectives
General Objective- Contributing to the right to an adequate, sustainable and gender-sensitive standard of living for vulnerable Lebanese and displaced Syrian communities in South Lebanon in a context of social stability.
Specific objective 1- Promote the socio-economic and sustainable empowerment of women and youth (vulnerable Lebanese and displaced Syrian population) in South Lebanon.
Specific objective 2- Strengthen social cohesion between the vulnerable local Lebanese and Syrian displaced population in the South Lebanon region, generating an enabling environment for inclusive and sustainable development.

Project activities
SO1 R1 Vulnerable Lebanese and displaced Syrian women and youth from the South Lebanon region (Tyre Fighters, Nabatieh, Bint Jbeil and Marjeyoun) acquire technical-vocational competencies and skills in sustainable business entrepreneurship.
1- Technical vocational training program in income-generating activity lines in welfare, food processing, online business, skin and nail care, hair dressing, solar system repair and other appropriate technology branches
2- Training in basic financial literacy for entrepreneurship and self-employment.
3- Training in Soft Skills (soft skills) in communication, leadership and personal project for entrepreneurship and self-employment.
4- Training on women's labor rights and Woman Protection

SO1 R2: Financial inclusion of vulnerable Lebanese women and youth & displaced Syrian women with access to self-employment & small business in South Lebanon (Tyre, Nabatieh, Bint Jbeil & Marjeyoun)
1- Digitization of the system and creation of databases for microcredit management by ADR
2- Receipt and examination of applications for micro-credits or seed capital for start-up ventures
3- Processing and disbursement of loans and signing of microcredit agreements
4- Delivery of seed capital (products in kind) to entrepreneurs, vulnerable Lebanese women and displaced Syrian youth and signing of delivery agreements.
5- Delivery of seed capital and provision of space for women's productive units.
6- Follow-up and personalized advice for entrepreneurs and productive units

SO1 R3: Implementation of a local network of entrepreneurs from the Lebanese population in vulnerable situations, especially women and young people.
1- Organize Annual meeting of entrepreneurs, presentation of success stories.
2- Creation of 6 thematic working groups by productive sector to assess challenges and good practices.
3- Capitalization of knowledge through the creation of an (annual) portfolio of best experiences to be included in the ADR website.
SO2 R1: Strengthened capacities of Duty Bearers (DB) and RH (Right Holders) in contributing to the maintenance of social cohesion among Lebanese communities and the Syrian displaced population, with a gender and sustainable development approach
1- Training of 30 RUR trainers in the field of disaster management and health and hygiene in situations of vulnerability.
2- Installation of photovoltaic energy systems in Rapid Response Unit (TO), LEDA and ADR facilities (TR)

SO2 R2: RHs, especially vulnerable groups (women and youth) know their rights and improve their resilience to social, economic and environmental disasters.
1- Awareness-raising by RRU trainers to RHs in target communities on family health and hygiene in situations of vulnerability and on access/response mechanisms to crises
2- Awareness-raising sessions in middle and high schools on health and access/crisis response mechanisms.